Save upto 18K annually !

A penny saved is a penny earned. Scroll Down to take a closer look as we have exclusively designed
our Billing Service Features to help you Earn More & Save More ...


Increase your monthly revenue by 10-20% within the first quarter with Exponere! Click Here for details


With our Billing Services each physician can save upto $18K annually. Click Here for Details


Most flexible pricing, Collection Percentage, Fixed Monthly & Pay-Per-Claim. Click Here for Details


Our Billing team will ensure a 90% acceptance upon first submission. Click Here for Details


We offer comprehensive Billing Services for almost all Medical Specialties. Click Here for Details


We believe that 80% of success depends on having the right people in the team. Click Here for Details

Our process

Data Entry

Patient Demographics, Insurance Information, Procedure and Diagnosis Code entry

Claim Submission

Claim Scrubbing, Electronic & Paper Claim Submission and eClaim-Tracking

Payment Posting

Line-item Payment Posting, Denial Handling and Patient Statement Cycling


Daily Billing Summary, Monthly Financial and Quarterly Analytical Reports

Click Here to view the complete process we follow in our Billing Services

Service Details


Increase your monthly revenue by 10-20% within the first quarter with Exponere! We can literally improve your monthly collection, simply by following best industrial practices starting from an over-night claim submission, professional diligence, non-stop follow ups to insurances for any unpaid claims and to a strong process to handle denials. We also offer performance incentives to our teams to further boost their energy levels and to build an environment of positive and professional competition across the board. Statistics show that actually a lot can get lost due to trivial billing mistakes and by putting today’s work for tomorrow - which is mostly the case with in-house billing set-up, which lacks a professional and experienced supervision. We only strive for the best and most of the time we were able to increase monthly collections up to 20% for our clients - which is like a 2.5 month's worth of bonus revenue. Add the savings from our extremely low billing rates on top of it and you’ll definitely be saving more than ever.

Exponere can also help you reduce administrative overheads and costs by taking up your Scheduling, Patient Calling, Advance Eligibility and Yearly Audit reports, all of which are free for you to avail, with absolutely no hidden fees.

It doesn't end here, you can also take leverage of our IT staff to remotely assist and troubleshoot your IT requirements ranging from procuring of equipment, setting up devices, troubleshooting network issues, Antivirus scanning to analyzing HIPAA compliance at a surprisingly discounted rate.

Still wondering if we can really reduce costs and increase revenues for your practice? Call our helpline now to schedule a call with our business experts to find out more how we can help you with whatever challenges you have.


With our Billing Services each physician can save upto $18K annually. At Exponere we have devised pricing plans that offers great savings on billing expenses. In contrast to a traditional Percentage-on-Collection pricing model we have introduced a Fixed Fee that can greatly help reduce billing expenses for a practice. For more info

Click Here to view an estimated ROI (Return On Investment) with Exponere Billing Services.


Most flexible pricing, Collection Percentage, Fixed Monthly & Pay-Per-Claim.


From a billing point of view each denial requires additional time and effort, that means more time & effort. We strive hard to avoid a denial in the first place and work harder to get them settled with insurance. A lesser number of denials help reduce payment delays and eventually improve the overall A/R situation. In essence, a legit claim filed timely is not to be denied, but when it contains incorrect or incomplete information. Although every payer has its own set of complex rules for claim submission, billing is no rocket-science; especially with a highly-experienced and committed team of professionals. We have purpose-designed processes to ensure insurance-specific billing rules and a continuous follow-up on each claim, leaving little room for insurances to deny.


Since each medical specialty has its own coding rules and combinations set for reimbursements, it is always a big plus to choose an experienced team having in-depth understanding of the governing rules/regulations and industry standards for a particular specialty. Our team has worked with many specialties and multi-specialty clinics.

Our Billing team is also well versed with many top-of-the-line billing and clinical applications. What you use in your office is not a problem for us and we’ll fit right in without a hassle. Even if you’re doing super-bills and scanning them, we’re ready to take up on that. Nevertheless, we vote for technology and promote a total electronic/paper-free environment. We also have strong business relations with some of the industry’s top software vendors. If you’ll ever need it, we’ll be glad to assist you in choosing the right software solution for your practice.

Below is a list of medical specialities where we have extensive knowledge and are our core expertise:



It is no myth that 80% of success depends on having the right people in your team … Our team is the real asset we have! This is why we only hire the best. It is the key to our success. Led by the industry renowned managers with at least 10-12 years of hands-on experience, with proven ability to handle high-paced teams under demanding situations, our billing staff is always in good hands when it comes to delivering. With monthly performance incentives and bonuses, we provide a professionally competitive environment for our staff, which in turn boosts their performance levels to maximum.

One may easily imagine that if given the right opportunity, even an ordinary worker can become a true asset for the company. This is why we are always able to gain customer satisfaction with a lightning speed.